Inuoko seems to have had too much to drink..whoops. Well, i'll try and tell you about two cool events anyway...
So the first event is-
...*facepalm*...As I was saying, the first event I wish to share with you all is the new round of 60 Mesh Atelier! Yes! It is back, and full of meshy 60L goodness! You have now until the 20th of this month (November) to go pick up these discounted items, but don't wait to the last minute!
[TP To: 60 Mesh Atelier]
Next, we have Atooly's Falling into the Season hunt which has started today! This hunt will help kick us all in gear for autumn, with free autumn-themed event items hidden in an orange leaf object for you all to find! You have from now until the 23rd to check out all 25 stores find these cool freebies! :D
Hint List: [X]
[TP To: FSH Start Point]
Well, that's all for now! If Inu falls any more, she's going to break something. x.x' Say goodbye Inu~
- Inuoko Shikami \o/
Poses: Adorkable Poses
Shot glasses Earring/Necklace/Ring: .Olive. [X] - the one shot too Many ShotGlass *New, Stuff in Stock [X]* >Texture change<
60 Mesh Atelier Items:
Sweater: Tentacio - Sweater white
FSHunt Items:
Nails: ! Laville ! - Mesh Nails - Autumn FSH >Texture Hud Included<
Pants: [Medley] - Super Skinnies [Crimson]
Skin: : ) BCC. - [Milk] Heim 07
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ - Nikki Mesh Hair - Vanilla pudding *New, Tomorrow Today*
Eyes: -Suicidal Unborn!- Envy Eyes Cyan *New*
Nose: Chus! - Anthro-Up in Baby *New*
Create an OUTFIT:
Ring: Noodles - Plastic Star Ring Black
Belt: Tee*fy - Vintage Foxy Tail Belt
Glasses: [Gos] - Custom Eyeware v3.3 - INTUITION
Ears: Mutation Industries - cat person ears (tuffted)
Tail: {Lemon Tea} [X] - Short Hair Neko Tail
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