I loveeee this outfit! Reminds me of my high school days, lol. I was the "Punk dresser", I suppose. :P This outfit I had to make an *outfit* of so I can wear it again! <3
OMG! I bring you EPIC news! Lemon Tea has released a new neko tailllll! <3
You know I lovveeeee Lemon Tea! <3 Sooo i've done a full review on my new awesome tail...
Soooo my infamous migraines have stricken me again..ow. But i'm going to do this post anyway cause I love you all. :P <3 Sorry for it being later than I had hoped though. >.<'
So today Inu's dressed as a samurai school girl, sword and all. She doesn't wear shoes very often for more precise movement. She carefully cuts her hair with her katana, keeping it nice and short. She's seen too many poor female samurai pulled by long hair and defeated. Inu is at the top of her class, training to be the best female samurai the world has ever known.~
O.O Lol. Nah, not really. Anywhos, today I wanna talk about the new feet released by *Milk*...
As promised, today I bring you Pink Fuel's Kumi skin in Hazel. I wanted to show you how sweet AND sexy this skin can be, which is why i'm showing you both. There are SO many lipstick options included, for example i'm wearing "Lip Glaze - Retro".
Also as promised, i'm wearing some more Burlesque items from Perfect Wardrobe [X].
My epic stage, cane, and poses are all from Focus Poses [X], and are available at Perfect Wardrobe like most of the items worn. :)
Today is "World Suicide Prevention Day". This day is celebrated every year to help promote action against suicide.
If you have a friend, or even classmate (i'm sure some of you are in college) that you believe may be suicidal, then you should try and talk to them and hopefully they will be willing to allow you to help them/seek help for them.
Those with children, when your children reach a certain age you should have a serious talk with them about suicide. Let them know that you're there for them, and death is not the answer. Trust me, often times parents think they know their children inside and out..up until it's too late. Communicate, and if you have reason to suspect depression or suicidal thoughts/actions, don't wait to be approached by your children, approach them first.
So many people sit around, not knowing how to ask for help, not knowing how to break the cycle of depression and wanting to end their own life. Often times, all they need is a friend or someone who can help them. We live in a pretty mean, cruel world...Problems at home, problems with spouses, abuse, and plenty of sources of on-going pain. Sometimes a person in their corner can help them break the cycle.
And please don't forget your virtual friends...they are just as capable of being suicidal, probably more-so. There are plenty of suicidal people on the net.
Pay attention. Try and not be blind to someone's pain. ~
Yes! Another anime head! I've had it sitting in my inventory for a while, along with this poor dress/shoes set. I've had it in my head to show you this together, but I had to find the time to mod the head and well...when you can't find the time to do something, you should just make the time!
Before I begin, I would like to point out that this lovely mesh dress and heel-less shoes are called "Puzzled", made by Kre-ations [X]. I couldn't wait to show you all this beautiful dress, but again, I really wanted to pair it with this anime head. <3
This anime head is by "<Tonic Takeover>", and is called "Rusty Anime Head Base" [X]. Until I see a good mesh anime head, I think this will be my favorite. <3
This nerd plays all sorts of games and likes to have all sorts of fun. ;) <3...Lol i'm such a perv yo xD...
Hey Peeps~
I'm bringing you a smexy little number to wear with your boobie implants! :)
This DRESS is brand spankin' new by *Milk* [X], called, "My Bella". I'm wearing it in Pink, and is also comes in Black, Blue, Red, Turquoise. :) Remember that even if you don't own prim tits, you can still wear the dress without them.~
Sorry, but I made a sort of "exercise" outfit for Inu, lol.
I especially liked the idea that I had on adding the skateboard and a couple poses from Focus Poses Skateboard Set [X]. I think it added a nice touch to the photo. ;)
The top is from Milk [X], called "Hello Titty", in Pink. I love the name. xD Milk is one of the latest, hawt stores to cover up your boobie implants (or just your regular boobies), haha. If you haven't been there yet, I really suggest you make a visit for some naughty fashions.
My Shoulder buddy helping me with my exercise is a Booshies [X] Lil'PetZ Girecko. I thought this little guy would go great with this post because well..most of us know the story of the Tortoise and the Hare, lol.
Inuoko Shikami - \o/
Skin: [Pink Fuel] - Elly <Cocoa>
Hair: Magika - Tendency *New colors added to the 3rd/Dipped color pack!*
Nails + Bow Ring: -UtopiaH- - Grunge Checkers Bow Ring/Long Nails
Tattoo: -UtopiaH- - Checkers on my Body Tattoo
Face Piercing: - .Hause of Darcy. - Compassion Piercing Set Prt. 1
Pelvis Piercing: - .Hause of Darcy. - Thrust
Naval Piercing: <-Puncture-> - Gemstone Navel Piercing
Create an OUTFIT:
Fuck n Hawt - LIl'Shorts (MESH) Black
Legwarmers: irma warmers - pink
Neko Ears: Mutation Industries: cat person ears black
Necklace: Blah. - (My Emotional Poop Necklace) Sad/Short *Gatcha*
Wristband: Cobrahive - Wristband (pianokeys)
Bangles: [EY:NO] - Mess Bangles (silver)
Ring: [EY:NO] - Filigran Ring (silver)
Ring: (epoque) - Pipeline Ring - Obsidian
Glasses: [Gos] - Custom Eyeware - INTUITION
Tail: {Lemon Tea} - Bobbed Tail
I went grocery shopping earlier, and bought a lot of snacks...i'm a "snacker", that's me. On long trips I usually take a pack of cookies or something to snack on. As you can see, Inu's taking along a few yummy donuts to..wherever she's going. Lol.
I bought a couple of the new skins from Rozena [X] (i'm wearing one of them in this post), they're 50% right now so it sounded like a steal to me yo. Let's not forget that the Meow sim closed so I think our fav Meow sim content creators may need a tiny bit of extra help as they transition to new locations. <3
Today Inu is cosplaying as a dark elf whom is on her way to the beach with her yummy fried rice, hee hee! And it seems that she's taking her favorite plush to the beach with her~
I know I usually have human skins, but I really did enjoy coming up with a look for this skin! <3 I wanted to mix fantasy with reality. :3
It is almost my nap-nap time, so I have to keep this short! Mwah <3
- Inuoko Shikami \o/
Skin: ::Kre-ations:: - Dark side of the moon - Cromatic Dissonance [X]
I have quite a few photos to share with you all...whew..Between Labor Day family time and all the photos, i've had quite the busy day!
My dress is called "Giraffe Print Dress", and is new by "::VoluptuousDollz::" [X]. You know Inu loves her animals, so this giraffe print was fun to wear! This dress comes in several different colors~
I hope the dildo isn't too "wild". The Meow sim that I loved so much is gone, so i'm trying to support the people I loved there by making sure I pick up and show off their products. I think some people forget that SL charities isn't always about huge events. Sometimes it's about supporting your favorite brands, even if the item is a bit, "out of the ordinary.". Heck, sometimes an item that is a bit out of the ordinary is all the better because well..perhaps it'll attract more attention. *Shrug* Who knows~ One thing that I do know is, as a blogger for SL fashions, I am here to support SL content creators along side making "colorful" (haha) posts to show all my readers. <3
I purchased Lemon Tea's new tail right awayyy! It's an adorable wittle bobbed tail. Looks like it could be used for cats (of course), bunnies, fawns, and probably other hybrids. This modifiable tail comes with several different speeds/time intervals to control wiggling, natural color textures, and a RGB value tinting system so that you may recolor it for the perfect tone. RGB values may sound discouraging but trust me, it's great. All one really has to do is Google "RGB values" and you'll probably get a whole list of them easy as pie. You can mix and match the given textures with your tints in 3 parts of the tail; the base, the middle, and the tip. So, you could have a white base that fades into blue with a pink tip..or something, lol. I really like this wittle tailll! <3 So far I have yet to have any problems with it, and it was simple to use (even though it does include a help guide for those who may need it).
If you would like to see the tail in action, the owner of Lemon Tea [X] as posted a video for it on her Youtube, which I have embedded at the bottom of this post for your convenience. If you're still unsure about this tail, you can always try a demo in-world~
The cute couple pose Kyle and I are in above is by "Focus Poses", and is available for free in the Summer Harvest Hunt! Click here for hunt details [X].
Today I bring you yet another event. I sure do enjoy covering events! I find it to be extremely fun to show you where you can get a good deal on hot fashions in our virtual world! ;)
Event Name: 60 Mesh Atelier
Round 1: September 1-20
Price: 60L Per Item
Theme: All items are mesh.
Well there you have it! <3
- Inuoko Shikami \o/
60 Mesh Atelier Items:
[Chloe] - Dress Lizzy
Bodyshop (Body):
Skin: .::Mother Goose's::. - YUri III(B)
Hair: booN - HNT281 hair
Nails: +:+WTG+:+ - **French** nail Tattoo: [Yulicie] - Tattoo - Batman by pusheen the cat. [X]