![Fitting In](http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7074/7397526612_6d6e3e78b9.jpg)
Hey peeps! I tried something new!!! 4 views, one photo to upload. Not sure if you all will like it, but I do! <3
Well on to a more serious manner...Last night I was talking to a certain Lilibug sissy about "fitting in". We're both African American women that are quite different from the "ghetto stereotype". Let's not pretend like stereotypes don't exist. Even worse than them? I know full well that many African Americans (note that i did not say all) follow the "ghetto stereotype". They feel the need to "act black". My sissy and I are part of the group that don't follow said stereotype, and i've been told countless times that "I don't act black". I find this to be humorous, considering how the same people wish to be "unique". In my old predominantly African American high school, while their were some slight variations, most people looked the same when it came to the clothes they wore and hairstyles. They even talked the same thanks to slang. I always wondered how this was unique. I was told that I "talked proper" (is it bad to speak near-proper English?), and asked if I knew who "Lil' Wayne" was....lol. Sure, most people knew that rap wasn't my thing, and that I preferred "white people music" *cough*, but come now...it doesn't mean that I put in earplugs every time rap comes on the radio. And for the record? Amongst my rock and screamo tuneage, I did have some Lil' Wayne and Drake. Lol.
While me dressing like a punk-rock chick with my spiky chokers and bracelets with a manga in my hand and something heavy blasting in my ears didn't seem odd to me, it did to them. I showed them something different, something quite unique for our school, and it really turned heads. While a handful of people were impressed with my uniqueness I admit (not that I did it for the attention), some people seemed afraid or something, haha. People are afraid of what they don't understand. People tend to shun what they don't understand. I did find it nice that some people asked me SERIOUS questions, instead of mocking me. Those open-minded souls are what the world needs more of. Don't understand? Try and understand instead of freaking out about it before you even know what it's about.
If you know me, you know that I have an odd obsession with cows...Kyle is sooo going to laugh at me as he reads this LOL. He knows this all too well. Anyway, .::CENSORED::. released 3 cute little bags called, "Funny Cow Bag". I'm wearing it in brown. :) You can get the bags at June Festival! [X]
My tattoo? I. Love. It. I look like a cute rebel...Lol. I think it goes nicely with the tattered vest. It's called, "Freedom", by Angelic tatto [X].
Lastly, i'd like to mention my super cute eyes! The owner of The Sugar Garden had asked on Flickr for some suggestions for eyes, and because i contributed she gave me my suggested eyes for free! Yay! These pretty eyes come in system and mesh! The mesh is adorb but I didn't wear them with this shape because Inu has such large eyes lol. But believe me their great! I wont list names but there are 3 packs of eyes available so go!!! [X] Thank you eilfie!!!! <3
Have a nice day yo~
- Inuoko Shikami \o/
Bodyshop (Body):
Skin: *MY UGLYDOROTHY -Mimi base(Cream)
Hair: 【hairshop nodoka】 - *Miyuki-Brown*
Eyeliner: .:A&M:. Black Eyeliner - Asia
Bloody Knees: *Anymore.. - bloody knee
Nails: S (and) P - LadyBug Spring Nails *Ladybug/bow ring included*
Create A SLer (Outfit):
Horns: {Lemon Tea} - Horny Bumps (Ethereal)
Tail: {Lemon Tea} - Upright Demon Tail (Ethereal)
Bracelets: Izzie's - *A* Wood Bangles black/red *fatpack*
Necklace: [EY:NO] - Filigran String Necklace (silver)
Ring: [EY:NO] - Filigran Ring r (silver)
Skirt: L`Exception - Pleated Mini- Classic
Shoes: N-core - EMPORIUM "Pure Black"
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