*Poses: Yulicie - Sea Demons [mp X]
Okay okay, my health bar is looking on the bad-side but don't worry, I keep tons of pots [potions] on hand! :P Yes, I play more than just Second Life; I love MMOs and some console games too. Playing video games together is something that Kyle and I do a lot of. I love sitting next to him, getting in a good fight in "Tekken", or watching him play "Batman: Arkham Asylum".
My Hair: Is the first mesh hair made by Yulicie [X]! It's called, "Bambi", and comes in natural tones. My stomach tattoo is also by Yulicie, called "Let It Be".
My Nose Bandaid: Is by Censored [X], and is called "Kawaii tattoo". You can get a fatpack of these cute bandaids by hunting around the store for them, seeing as they're part of the Makeup and Tattoo hunt. :D
Speaking of Batman above, I would like to take a short moment to give my condolences to the families involved in the "Batman: The Dark Night Rises" move massacre that occurred in Colorado.
- Inuoko Shikami \o/
Bodyshop (Body):
Skin: .::Mother Goose's::. - Yuri
Nails: Leverocci - Round Nails BlackPlain
Chest Tattoo: [flitink] - EMOTECONTROL
Nose Bandaid: .::CENSORED::. - Kawaii Tattoo *Makeup and Tattoo Hunt*
Create A SLer (Outfit):
Bra: [-PIXELS-] - Poke'Bra *VIP Group Gift*
Jeans: (TokiDoki) - solo jeans (grey)
Health Bar: Little Chances - 8-Bit Heart Meter
Necklace: Tangent's - Retro Controller
Bracelet: ASO! - Leather Bracelet *Freebie*
Bracelet: [Medley] - Rubber Bracelets - I<3Boobs
Shoes: J's - Platform Pumps (Black)
Well, as I was saying...yes, i'm a gamer. Kyle, my pet Neko, and I have recently started this MMO together, "Elsword." It's an anime-based MMO, created with a older-style console game type of graphics. If you've ever played any of the Viewtiful Joe games, you know exactly what i'm talking about. They have a handful of characters that you can choose from to act out the story that the MMO revolves around. This MMO even has "Result" screens at the end of dungeons that show you how many experience points you gained, drops acquired, and a grade of how you did compared to your team members, which also adds to the "console game" atmosphere. There is also a pet system, in which you feed your pets scrap armor you collect, and it can help you fight as you play through the game.
My main "con" with this game is the Item Mall. I mean this game can really empty your pockets! But it's optional! I've yet to see an actual necessary reason to spend money on this game. A girl like me loves to buy cute outfits and stuff in any game, so if you're like me then you wanna be ready to dish out some dough. My second, smaller con, is the pet system. If you want your pet to evolve at a decent rate, you're have to spend some money, though you don't HAVE to. I believe that if you're extra careful with the pet food seeds they give you in the beginning and only use them when your "affinity" level is at 80% and your pet rejects armor scraps, then you may be able to get your pet through all of its evolution stages. Maybe. Some people completely ignore the game's pet system cause well...pets don't seem to do a lot of damage/buffing to really give them a big impact on dungeons. But even with the over-priced item mall, and a pet system that possibly looks like a money scam in a sense, it's still a pretty fun game.
If you play Elsword/start playing, then feel free to search for "Inuoko" and send me a friend invite. Add "Second Life" to the friend request though, so I know where you're from. I'm often playing the game at night. ;)
I love your pokechesticles! Good buys and good finds =D
-Rub karami
LOL Rub <3 Ty hee hee
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